Following on from my last post of… ohh, precisely four years ago… here’s something else we love to do at commissioned fan art for your wall!
This particular poster may be of characters unfamiliar to you, but not for long: these glamourous rockers are the intergalactic popsters “the Tinkling Triangles” by British comic legend……
Hand inked Fan art, part 1
Web ads- always better by an artist
Fact: Hand crafted ads get a better response than banners using photo manipulation or vector artwork.
They’re more economic than a competent graphic designer too:
Have a look at
-artwork created for
Now that we’ve got that bit of honest propaganda out of the……
The Familiar Kiwi Villa
If you live in New Zealand you’ll know the Kiwi Villa is part of the landscape’s essence.
Anywhere else a villa is a sprawling home of the wealthy: In America a villa might have columns bunged all over the place and be three stories tall. In days of Rome it was the country mansion complete with……
So What IS it?
What IS It?
Leave your answers in the comments.
An unhelpful clue:
It first appeared in the Fracas at the Space Café:
but that doesn’t necessarily tell us a thing!
Let me know, if you can at……
Storyboarding – in full Technicolor
Early in the year some of NZ’s filmmakers found themselves with a rush commission and TheCartoonist was called midweekend to storyboard at short notice. 48 hours of work, 40 frames of film direction. Hey, let’s strut our stuff and really show what we can do at a pinch: we’ll provide ‘em in full colour and……
This is How We Do It- Staff Training at the Christchurch City Council
A few years back the EARTH moved under our feet and the roads in the city of Christchurch had to be redone all at once.
The Christchurch City Council, restorer of roads and footpaths, found themselves in the ultimate freakout: Numerous bituminous contractors metalling tarmac in greater count than pupae in a fly farm.
Think Sauron’s……
When is a Cheese like a potato?
The straight answer is to do with the names given to the holes in Swiss Cheese, let’s deal with that first.
(…but there are SO MANY potential answers to the above question if taken as a joke, we’ve gotta come back to that, right?)
First: The Straight Answer:
The GOOD holes in Swiss Cheese are known as EYES…….
Holidays- when one goes a hobbyin’ like a professional
See actual vid at the bottom of post…
and New Year,
here in the Southern Hemisphere:
Former sportsmen are a’sailing,
Geographica Fanatic are
But the part time creator makes his mess.
On holiday,
life is at its best.
But the poet DIDN’T mention the case of the……
Recent Posts
- March 23, 2022
- March 11, 2018
- February 28, 2018
- February 12, 2018
"Brendon has been doing illustrations and posters for my books and my work in schools for over 10 years now. His posters, charts and illustrations have really appealed to the children (and teachers) I work with. They love the bright colours and variety of interesting characters that he has created. The posters are eye catching and very clearly portray the information to be shared."
“Brendon is fabulously creative and easy to work with, his illustrations brought the characters of my children's storybook to life. My youngest (now three) asks for Ovkors the horse every night.”
“Brendon has worked on a number of complex and demanding jobs for me. I use him because he delivers excellent work, on time and to the brief. I have no hesitation in recommending Brendon.”
“Love your work and thanks for just being an out of sightly amazing artist!”
Chris MeneDirector, Mene Solutions Ltd | Director, Canterbury District Health Board | Chairperson, CDHB Disability Support Advisory Committee | Chairperson, Core Education Ltd | Trustee, Sport Canterbury | Trustee, Wayne Francis Charitable Trust | Board Member, Inspiring Communities | Chief Fat Boy, Fat Boys Club“THANK YOU so much for all your work on the latest ARP poster. We love it!! I think I even love it more than the first one which I didn’t think was possible.We’re doing a massive print run of posters for schools, and it will also appear in the Future Christchurch Update for November. ....has been a pleasure working with you.”
Recent Works
- comics, Fan Art
- cartoon, Illustration, Posters, presentations, Training resources
- Animation, cartoon
- cartoon, Illustration, presentations, Training resources
- Illustration, Storyboard
- cartoon, infographic, presentations, Training resources
Can somebody answer that?
-When Communications break down.
Opinion: English is the coolest language in the world. Why?
Just is. Even if the “Academie Francais” (French language police) see it as their personal nemesis.
They run around France fining people if they speak or write English.
For that matter, they’re not fond of dialects developing…….