The Cartoonist, 73 Bickerton St, Christchurch. +64 (0)3 381 2857

Category: posters

Hand inked Fan art, part 1

tinkling triangles pinup detail

Following on from my last post of… ohh, precisely four years ago… here’s something else we love to do at commissioned fan art for your wall!
This particular poster may be of characters unfamiliar to you, but not for long: these glamourous rockers are the intergalactic popsters “the Tinkling Triangles” by British comic legend……

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Local Spots- The Avon River Terraces

Avon Terraces

After the great Thickshake of 2011, “Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority” was put in place to get the rebuild started.
They commissioned to make some nice friendly visualisations of what they’d planned along the Avon.
Apparently architects had designed these spots already, but their work was dashed hard to get hold of, let alone interpret.


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The Paradise Shelduck- Winged sheep o’ the lowlands

paradise faded

Anoo’er wee bairdy we have ’round the lowlands o’ Christchurch is the Paradise Shelduck.
These good lookin’ couples are endemic to New Zealand but are up for grabs in the hunting season.

“Tadorna variegata” (once also known as Putangitangi) is a herbivorous grazer which makes ’em a lover of sports fields and an irritant to farmers.


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The Black Teal- Daffy’s special forces cousin from Kiwiland

Cartoon of NZ scaup

Known to hang around in the same military bars as the outspoken Aussie Coot, the New Zealand Scaup is a diving specialist.
Not often seen in an aqualung, he prefers to dive unassisted to show off his true specialty.

Amongst locals he comes under a variety of aliases. Some know him as papango, also……

(…rest of this……

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Poster for Canterbury Clinical network

canterbury Clinical Network 02

Another one of our medical adventures. So much fun!

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More CDHB pictorial presentations- the Canterbury Tree

CDHB Canterbury District Health Board TREE

The Canterbury District Health Board is being watched by the best government health departments around the world. For a reason…

They’re the world’s cutting edge in health-system change and in preparing for the time that the baby-boomer population has aged.
These elder folks of ours will outnumber the remaining workin’, tax paying population. They won’t have enough……

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Education Dept. Map- tackling the Eastside of Christchurch

Map of education in east christchurch

Here’s another one of our concept maps for a government department.
This one was for the eyes of the Education Minister alone… Ed Dept folks from Christchurch were told to submit ideas of their own or go with the existing plan of flattening the schools on the east side of Christchurch and building an experimental……

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Biz Presentation “Map”- Regenerate Christchurch

3 Whariki v003b

We’ve done quite a few of these now… the kind of “Map” you use in Prezi or Powerpoint to zoom into pictorial “bullet points” as you make your presentation.

This particular one was for Regenerate Christchurch in early 2017, a group responsible for overseeing parts of the quake rebuild.

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Pretty POSTERS – CERA Earthquake Recovery

pigeon faded small

Another of these mini articles found unBLOGGED in the gallery…

some nice newspaper centre spreads we did a few years ago now:


Christchurch is still in the midst of Quake rebuilds.
The new city plan was established by the Christchurch Earthquake Recovery Authority, or CERA as it was known.

When your city has come down and you’ve been……

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