Following on from my last post of… ohh, precisely four years ago… here’s something else we love to do at commissioned fan art for your wall!
This particular poster may be of characters unfamiliar to you, but not for long: these glamourous rockers are the intergalactic popsters “the Tinkling Triangles” by British comic legend……
Hand inked Fan art, part 1
The Familiar Kiwi Villa
If you live in New Zealand you’ll know the Kiwi Villa is part of the landscape’s essence.
Anywhere else a villa is a sprawling home of the wealthy: In America a villa might have columns bunged all over the place and be three stories tall. In days of Rome it was the country mansion complete with……
More Maps- Otahuna Lodge
Some time back was called on to provide a map for the guests at Taitapu’s luxury Hotel, Otahuna Lodge.
I haven’t looked lately, but this place was popping up on lists for the elite all over the world. If I recall it won top awards in one of those tasty……
The Ol’ 404 error page-when your website wakes up with Amnesia
So! for the first time ever- your website is givin’ ya 404 errors.
Whut th’ heck? That page USED to be there…
Izzit Brain Freeze?
An attack from hostile cosmic communist agents?
Is the internet developing digital alzheimers disease?
Has that mad, mundanely manky site manager made a mighty muckup?
There’s potential for any of these,……
Some folks prefer PAINT- logo for Te Whakapono Trust
It’s unusual in this era to have painted artwork for your corporate look instead of pantone-picked vectors.
As an artist, corporate logos aren’t my usual fare either- One client wanted something a bit special though, a logo captured in Paua shell and Hokitika greenstone.
That sort of thing’s a job for a painter rather than……
NZ’s Black billed – most endangered Gull in the World
You’ve probably seen this wee bloke but mistaken him for his more common cousin, the Red Billed… who shared many of your school lunches over the years.
The black billed is a little slimmer than the red, with a longer beak. Also, while the red is classified as “declining,” the black is “Critical” and has the……
The Black Teal- Daffy’s special forces cousin from Kiwiland
Known to hang around in the same military bars as the outspoken Aussie Coot, the New Zealand Scaup is a diving specialist.
Not often seen in an aqualung, he prefers to dive unassisted to show off his true specialty.
Amongst locals he comes under a variety of aliases. Some know him as papango, also……
(…rest of this……
Recent Posts
- March 23, 2022
- March 11, 2018
- February 28, 2018
- February 12, 2018
“Brendon is fabulously creative and easy to work with, his illustrations brought the characters of my children's storybook to life. My youngest (now three) asks for Ovkors the horse every night.”
“THANK YOU so much for all your work on the latest ARP poster. We love it!! I think I even love it more than the first one which I didn’t think was possible.We’re doing a massive print run of posters for schools, and it will also appear in the Future Christchurch Update for November. ....has been a pleasure working with you.”
“Brendon has worked on a number of complex and demanding jobs for me. I use him because he delivers excellent work, on time and to the brief. I have no hesitation in recommending Brendon.”
“Love your work and thanks for just being an out of sightly amazing artist!”
Chris MeneDirector, Mene Solutions Ltd | Director, Canterbury District Health Board | Chairperson, CDHB Disability Support Advisory Committee | Chairperson, Core Education Ltd | Trustee, Sport Canterbury | Trustee, Wayne Francis Charitable Trust | Board Member, Inspiring Communities | Chief Fat Boy, Fat Boys Club"Brendon has been doing illustrations and posters for my books and my work in schools for over 10 years now. His posters, charts and illustrations have really appealed to the children (and teachers) I work with. They love the bright colours and variety of interesting characters that he has created. The posters are eye catching and very clearly portray the information to be shared."
Recent Works
- comics, Fan Art
- cartoon, Illustration, Posters, presentations, Training resources
- Animation, cartoon
- cartoon, Illustration, presentations, Training resources
- Illustration, Storyboard
- cartoon, infographic, presentations, Training resources
There’s GREEN in them thar Hills- TASMANIA
Every now and then ya just have to kick about with the client in person.
Just this morning TheCartoonist staff arrived back in town from meeting with a client in Tasmania.
After a dry spring they’ve just been deluged with rain and the place was GREEN!
Christchurch, NZ’s great-green garden city is more……