The Cartoonist, 73 Bickerton St, Christchurch. +64 (0)3 381 2857

Category: CD Covers

We don’t play covers, just draw ’em.

13th Tribe inside

The latest Gallery entry for our site: CD Covers!
Being a keen musician myself I tend to be in the right place and time to be commissioned for Album covers.

We’ve clocked up a few now.
Above is the inside cover of the cardboard sleeve for 13th Tribe’s album “feels like time.” 13th tribe……

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Album Cover: Attack Time- Turkey in the Raw

Attack time cover

This album cover was commissioned by Chicago band “Attack Time” as a part of the Gig Grabbing Game: it seems these days sounding great is only the start of the process.

Band leader Marshall Hong wanted the artwork to follow an American Civil War subject in order to suit the band’s folk rock blend… while the logo was……

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