What might an Illustrator do for you?
Here are a few starters: (For those creatively inclined the first few are provided in alliterative verse)
(AHEM… Poetry? Sure. Dandy, fine. But I know you’re really here for the artwork! click here to go straight to the gallery. Otherwise…. unabashed, unashamed, unedited prose follows, as promised.)
•Authors in Auckland have books decorated with our delicious digital drawings;
•plenty of power point presentations pop up ’round the planet with our powerful portrayals.
•National hospitals (in Australia and New Zealand) use this Canterbury company of cartoonists to create visuals for staff training and planning.
•Several savvy schools pay our artist to pictorialise their teaching resources.
•Wellington’s web wise wild-men have broadened their blogs; brightening banners with clever custom cartoons….
•…In the US, in Norway and NZ, bands have applied our artwork to album-covers – a simple strategy to secure stronger sales of CD’s.
•Custom caricatures used for bizcards and ads,
•Manually made maps make the customers glad.
In Dunedin, Hamilton or just down the street***
Get drawn out with a cartooning treat.
Right. That’s enough fun for one afternoon…
Now, For Those of a More Serious Nature:

The Cartoonist of B & N Creations has been providing illustrations, fine artwork and cartoons for nearly two decades now.
We understand and value the expectations of a varied clientele, both private and corporate and we taper our pricing to fit your budget.
Our work is an amalgam
of tradition and technology.
Our artist draws by hand to the tablet: it’s digitised and ready for print, web or wherever your final destination might be.
B & N Creations are based in Christchurch, New Zealand. A good placement:
The Christchurch giant CERA (Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority) named us their “Preferred Supplier.”
Statistics: We’re The HEALTHY option…
The former CDHB (Canterbury District Health Board) comes to our artist to spice up their Presentations, Posters and Staff Training resources.
We also supply illustrated artwork to the Canterbury Clinical Network, the South Island Health Alliance and the West Coast District Health Board… To the far North Island we’ve supplied commissions to the NDHB (Northland District Health), and crafted work for the Health Department in Tasmania. Most recently we’ve illustrated infographics for the Welsh NHS and for the UN.
Our illustrator has painted posters for Regenerate Christchurch after the quakes and customised cartoons in training posters for the Christchurch City Council. We’re eminently adept at art for websites and books and have album covers in America*…
The Cartoonist produces numerous company avatars for social media and tops their year off with personalised Christmas Cards.
What ELSE might an illustrator do for you?
•Illustrated logos are more visually appealing than traditional logos and they bring greater recognition to your brand.
•A mascot captures the personality of your business.
•A caricature of the team rewards both the staff and boss… a memorable birthday gift.
•Train your staff and educate clientele with our infographics, either static or with animation.
•Animated video speaks brilliantly for itself. Whether for advertising, seminars or corporate presentations… It’s an infographic with motion.
In conclusion?
A good cartoonist has more uses than a mad scientist has cold coffees.
For inspiration have a browse through the gallery and the descriptions on “our services” page.
*( Both the United States and Canada. Does that qualify “Rocker” status?**)
**We’ve also got artwork in Perth and Sydney. The Perth client is a Geology firm. THAT’s rocker status!
***Tauranga didn’t fit.
Recent Posts
- March 23, 2022
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"Brendon has been doing illustrations and posters for my books and my work in schools for over 10 years now. His posters, charts and illustrations have really appealed to the children (and teachers) I work with. They love the bright colours and variety of interesting characters that he has created. The posters are eye catching and very clearly portray the information to be shared."
“THANK YOU so much for all your work on the latest ARP poster. We love it!! I think I even love it more than the first one which I didn’t think was possible.We’re doing a massive print run of posters for schools, and it will also appear in the Future Christchurch Update for November. ....has been a pleasure working with you.”
“Brendon is fabulously creative and easy to work with, his illustrations brought the characters of my children's storybook to life. My youngest (now three) asks for Ovkors the horse every night.”
“Brendon has worked on a number of complex and demanding jobs for me. I use him because he delivers excellent work, on time and to the brief. I have no hesitation in recommending Brendon.”
“Love your work and thanks for just being an out of sightly amazing artist!”
Chris MeneDirector, Mene Solutions Ltd | Director, Canterbury District Health Board | Chairperson, CDHB Disability Support Advisory Committee | Chairperson, Core Education Ltd | Trustee, Sport Canterbury | Trustee, Wayne Francis Charitable Trust | Board Member, Inspiring Communities | Chief Fat Boy, Fat Boys ClubRecent Works
- comics, Fan Art
- cartoon, Illustration, Posters, presentations, Training resources
- Animation, cartoon
- cartoon, Illustration, presentations, Training resources
- Illustration, Storyboard
- cartoon, infographic, presentations, Training resources